Well, not really. I am currently hanging my head in shame for taking a longer hiatus from this blog than the Glee kids take from new episodes mid-season. But, like the phoenix rising from its ashes, I have returned to my former self and am here to grace you with my self-centered prose.
During the past few months, I did what most New Yorkers did. I sailed through a New York winter without getting snowed on. I read The Hunger Games trilogy in the span of one week. I wore flip flops the first day the temperature rose above 50 degrees (and then worried about how global warming will affect summer temperatures if it's 70 degrees in February and March). I watched Adele win lots of Grammy awards. (I then watched every Adele interview I could find.) I took the bus more than I took the subway. I watched The Voice outshine American Idol, and I became bored with the American Idol contestants before they even dwindled down to the Top 10. I rekindled my love affair with my guitar and even took exactly one lesson. I wrote the chorus to a song that I will one day play in an open mic night (once I learn how to play my guitar). I started watching Smash. I went on vacation. I closed a few deals at work. I registered for two half marathons (I know, ridiculous) and began training. After one week of training, I am exhausted. Let's see...I think that's about it.
Now that you're up to speed, I can begin actually writing this post. I engaged in several forms of artistic consumption this past weekend. I saw a concert a City Winery (such a great venue and such great food!) Saturday night. Lady Friend knew about my love for Rachel Platten's music (check out her stuff- kind of like Sara Bareilles in terms of piano prowess, but totally different voice), so she got us tickets a few months ago. Our seats were perfect. We were at the very end of a row of tables, just off to the side from center stage. As we ate our dinner and watched the opening acts, the seats at other tables began to fill up, but our row remained conspicuously empty. Then, during one of the second opener's songs (while you're at it, check out Jeff LeBlanc - really liked him, too), in walked a group of 15 or so people, mostly between the ages of 5 of 13, along with a few adults. Apparently, the rest of our row of tables was reserved for Rachel's family, the youngest members of which towed handmade posters, still shining with fresh marker ink. It was adorable, and it brought me back to my high school days starring in school musicals. Highlights of the show included a piano accompanied cover of the time long classic "Gin and Juice" and audience participation. Oh, and a bunch of very well done, very well written songs. I even tweeted Sara Bareilles after the show and asked her to bring Rachel on tour with her. Seriously, she's great. And she's not even paying me to say this.
I also saw The Hunger Games (in Imax!) this weekend. I have two more things to say: 1- read the books, and 2- see the movie. And maybe in a few years I'll check you at the Hunger Games theme park. Sigh, a girl can dream.
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